In memory of Marhum Fazal A. Virani.

This year's Al Wilayah 2022 tournament is a bittersweet one, as we hold it in memoriam of Marhum Fazal A. Virani.

As the Stanmore Jafferys Volleyball baton is now held by the subsequent members, Fazal was one of the very few remaining in the game from his generation. Whilst maintaining the same level of passion and eagerness to play the game, his energy and attention in the last 5 years gravitated more frequently towards developing and working with new players, both young and old. He was also instrumental in setting up and getting the ladies' Volleyball up and running.

His departure leaves a huge vacuum amongst members of his family as well as the whole Stanmore Jafferys and Hujjat community. He reached out to old and young alike with the aim to bridge differences amongst ages by using his wit, charm and deep-rooted faith to ensure the younger generation remained on the path of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s).

Our prayers are that May Allah (SWT) grant him a high position in the next world and see his legacy live on. We pray to The Almighty to forgive him, accept his deeds and grant him proximity to the Ahlul Bayt (A.S.). Ameen.

We love you, Fazal. We do!